Om MFT-1000
General information
Is a fiscal control-unit to be used when movement of liquid is to be made passing over a fiscal line or change of ownership (Custody Transfer)
Is signed autonomous, ait can be installed locally close to where the transfer activity takes place, and controls all loading and logistics.
Has its electronic with terminal located on 4 sides of the MFT electronics.
Installed in a Ex-area enclosure, it is approved to be installed in hazardous areas.
Has its graphic display with keyboard, from which all operators activity takes place.
As MFT-1000 has a graphic display, not only large digits is arranged, but also P/I graphic indicating pumps and valves dynamically for the operator how loading progresses.
Also bar graph which shows continuously the progress of loading amount is to help for operator or driver when loading into truck or ship.
The display can be located up to 40 metres from MFT electronics (base unit BU). The display unit (DU) is intrinsically safe and is fed directly from MFT-BU using 4 wires.
Continuously MFT-1000 indicate the flow-weighted average temperature of the product passing the volumetric meter. Metering device can be of any type, Coriolis, PD-meter, Turbine meter, VORTEX and many more.
Also in-line blending of additives can be controlled by MFT-1000.
MFT-1000 can take 4 pcs Pt-100 4 wire system. Input for the fiscal meter is a double pulse arrangement.
8 relays dry contact 250 VAC 2 amperes are included in BU. Analogue inputs and a number of digital inputs. Please see specification.
Also calibration of volumetric meter can be made from MFT-1000.
MFT-1000 has 2 ports for communication. Both of them are RS-485. MFT-1000 can be daisy connected or star connected to each other for communication between them and /or to control room computer.
Also gate control is arranged using a MFT-1000, and at the gate a printer is connected to it, for driver to receive receipt on all loads as made during his visit to terminal.
All tables according to API/ASTM GSV calculations for hydrocarbons are implemented, so also a for few chemicals.
All logistics are controlled by MFT-1000. E.g. loading can only be made by approved operator or driver. Blacklisting of operators is made also from CCR.
Up to 300 loads can be saved in MFT-1000, this in case of failure of the CCR equipment, but is transferred as soon as the CCR equipment comes on line again. Terminal Logistic Manager (TLM) is normally used in CCR.
MFT-1000 can be operating as a local unit without connection to TLM, hence very practical for small terminals or depots.
All data to and from MFT, can be sent via IP-address or by other means, for instance by GPRS, radio-modem etc etc .
MFT-1000 can also be used as a normal flow-control unit, in-line blender or any other volume or flow measuring application.
MFT-1000 is ATEX approved Exd included the Exe enclosure. This makes installations very much easier compared to Exd housing.
MFT-1000 works from 40 to + 70 C. Display unit from 22C to 60C.
MFT-1000 is a rather young device and therefore new requirements and applications will be approached, and those are welcomed, as we gladly will make customer specified functions whenever wished.
There are several companies already who uses MFT-1000 as there standard ship and truck loading automation for Custody Transfers applications.
Among them are: VOPAK Logistics Nordic AB
Nordic Storage AB
AKZO Nobel (Holland/Sweden)
Promator AB
Shell svenska ab
Trelleborgs hamn
Karlshamns hamn
Obbola jernverk
Top-Oil AB
As these companies are the largest in Scandinavia, we are very pleased that MFT-1000 have been
selected repeatable times for theirs sites.